Monday, August 6, 2007

You should never underestimate the predictability of stupidity.

I Present to you the ugliest, most masculine woman any of us will ever lay eyes on
(tretrain, i know it's tough, but pull your eyes away and read you big creeper)

Oh, hello, where are my manners? I almost forgot we had a blog for the three of us to read.

While I still try and perfectly reason my pro/con war of words raging over lindsay lohan's relative hotness, I have heard possibly the worst, most poorly worded, inadequately reasoned, and quiet frankly dumbest argument in the history of talk radio.

It's quite astonishing.

while listening to 850 WEEI Boston, a middle aged man called in and verbalized his argument for why Barry Bonds should be laid off of (the quote: 'nothing has been proven yet,' like we havent heard that before...).

His basic argument revolved around this (generalized) point: Barry Bonds probably has not taken steroids because (brace yourself) he has not dropped dead yet.

Yes, he went down a list of players and people who were known 'users' who had died of things that could be traced back to steroid use.

Wow. Sir, are you yourself on drugs? Barry Bonds isn't a user because he hasn't overused his weapon of mass distortion?

Come on.

That's like saying Keith Richards never used drugs because he hasn't died of an overdose yet.
Same for Ozzy Ozbourne.
Or the aforementioned Ms. Lohan.
Or that Paris Hilton doesnt have an exhibitionism problem, no, nevermind, that's a train of thought I'm leaving at the station.

It's like saying Joe Morgan wasn't dropped as a kid because he can still form near-coherent sentences.

Just because there is roundabout evidence that someone has a problem using (not so subtly with the case of Richards or Lohan, but gimme a break, I'm writing on the fly, that's the best I got right now).

Barry Bonds used steroids. period.

He used to be one of my favorite players.
He would have made the hall of fame first ballot.
He could have gone the Ted Williams route and made friends with selected media members after he retired.

But the roids got to his head (don't believe me? See for yourself:


honestly, the information is there.
people who are arguing at this point are just trying to cut their/barry's losses.
the man is a cheat.

to what degree we won't know until all the documentation is released/stolen and leaked

but really, people, when we're arguing that guys aren't using steroids because they haven't died from using steroids, you know baseball, and sports in general, are in a sorry state of affairs.

good night, and everyone enjoy So Taguchi and his travelling band of merry men

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