Friday, July 6, 2007

The Sports Blogasm

When we were trying to decide what to name our blog we came up with alot of crazy ideas. Going into the process it was understood that the blog would be sports related thus I assumed the name should be sports related also. Thinking of something concise and witty is not nearly as easy as it sounds. I entertained many name ideas such as "Fuck You, Arod!", or "East Coast Bias" but neither of them really clicked. Eventually we came down to the name "Hitting A Curveball" with some clever subtitle relating to viewing sports with a "spin". That seemed to be where this blog's name was heading but it never really felt right. Finally, at the eleventh hour, we came up with the name "Sports Blogasm". It was the perfect fit for us. and I consider ourselves to be diehard sports fans. And our fanship isn't limited to a few sports or teams, we have affiliations with teams and sports all across the globe. Well not really. Only America but it sounded better the other way. However, do not assume that this is strictly a sports blog. Our intentions are too revolve around sports but there is no doubt that our interests will occasionally stray beyond the playing field. If anyone ever reads this, our message to you is plain and simple. "Thank you for reading this shitty blog and wasting a few precious minutes of your lives...but please come back soon!"

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