Thursday, July 12, 2007

'Daddy Gonna Get That Cash'

if you have not heard the aforementioned song i stole for my title, by Styles P and Lil Mo, please, find some way to hear it. You will laugh. You might cry. You will shake your grooove thang shake shake ya groove thannnng.

this has been a public service announcement by Sports Blogasm. Thank You for your attention, now back to our regularly scheduled stuff you probably don't need to be reading but i need to be writing or else i would become very bored....

The other day, i was in the mancave (like that batcave, but my basement and no badass gadgets), playing backyard baseball and watching tv. the end. that's the end of the story and the basic summary of my summer days.

just kidding.

I was watching FX, when what should come on, but Swimfan. Now i remember seeing this movie when it came out in 2002 (which would have made me a recent teenager and very easily influenced) and i remember leaving the theater with the odd combination of feeling enjoying the movie while being thoroughly, completely, truly, madly, deeply creeped out. Great reminisence and all, but here's the point. This is a fantastic movie. Swimfan is also a warning. When they show us kids sex ed videos in 5th grade, 1st grade, 8th grade, college, whenever the people in charge of deciding when that is necessary (read; big creepers) they should immediately follow up by showing this film. Hopefully, it will instill in young men a truth we must all realize- don't trust whitey. i meant women. Don't trust women.

The thing about this movie is that we all know that person, I say person, but really we know for the most part it would be a girl, who is reasonably attractive and sexually agressive but also seems a bit... off

taa daaaaa... look at her

she seems... nice?

please. let's be honest. whether or not a girl like this was 'nice' is irrelevant. if she put the moves on you, in a dark pool (# 231 of places-to-have-sex-before-i-die list), rubbing and touching and saying not so quietly


ok. game over.

if you havent seen the movie, go see it...NOW... and then finish reading.

now i do not care how hot a girl is or how large her... desire for you may be, if you are hooking up with a girl for the first time, and she is ready to do it in a freakin pool, AND SHE SCREAMS ANYTHING OTHER THAN THE TOKEN PORNO NOISES (an article i am formulating in my head as i type), GET OUT (HA.). drop that shit like it was a greased up naked deaf guy.

this movie, if nothing else, should serve as a warning to all men.

please, guys, i implore you, think with your dick.
there i said it.
go ahead, be a pussyhound, a man-slut, a candyman.
perpetuate your geonome.
but, for the love of god, look out for the red flags. there comes a point where the girl's ass...ets aren't worth it.

which brings me back to the song.

its about a 'down ass chick'


'Daddy gonna get that cash/ That's what my honey holla'd out every time I hit that ass'

i love dumb rap.


T.C. Hill said...

"tell me you love me"

hmmm...sounds familiar said...

yeah i know, right?

creeeeepy shit